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Address:7/F, Block A, Building F1, TCL International E City, No.1001 Zhongshanyuan Road, Nanshan District, SHENZHEN,CHINA

Phone number:86-755-26719954

CWT-L series

CWT-L0111S IoT Gateway

(1DO/1AI/1TI/RS485)For acquiring the remote operating parameters and process management, CWT-L0111S IOT M2M Gateway help machine to access internet via GPRS/4G/Wi-Fi and establish TCP/IP connection with server.CWT-L0111S can be widely used in industrial automatic control, base station / computer room monitoring, environmental monitoring, water conservancy project, power industries, agriculture, etc.

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Port Features


Basic Features

1. RS485 to GPRS/4G/Wi-Fi to server

Mode A: Two-way data transparent forward between RS485 and server

Not change the communication data format

CWT-L0111S IoT Gateway

Mode B: Modbus master mode on RS485

CWT M2M IoT Gateway(RTU) as modbus master read slave over RS232/RS485, then push slave data to server by TCP/IP(optional multiple protocol)

CWT-L0111S IoT Gateway

2.IO to GPRS/4G/Wi-Fi to server

CWT-L0111S IoT Gateway

Communication Features


System Features

Adopted highly integrated industrial 32-bit ARM MCU

Reliable performance with built-in double watchdog24×7 operation

With signal filtering mechanisms

Network-reconnect and retransmission to ensure data accurately transmit

Update RTC automatically or manuallyclock source support Sms, NTP, CwtIO Server

Can set multiple timers(second, minute, day, week, month) to upload data

Provide configure software, visual programming

Optional inside battery that life is 8-20 hours, cellular module Intelligent sleep when power lost

Optional OLED displaye



Size Diagram

CWT-L0111S IoT Gateway

Package list

gateway×1antenna×1USB cable×1, configure Software
